from my what I call better than a spa vacation. I spent 5 days with some of the most wonderful artistic women on the east coast and beyond. I have been anticipating the "ART IS" event for a whole year, this year's theme was Alice in Wonderland. Believe me I was in ART Heaven. I kept thinking to myself how I was so in my element. I wish I could live in a commune with artists like us and just do art all day. Wouldn't that be fun. (smile). I really have to thank the coordinators of ART IS Ellen and Sallianne who's unstoppable energy kept a positive flow. It was such a memorable 5 days. I can't wait for next year and its theme will be the Wizard of Oz. Now I am off to find the yellow brick road. The art piece above is one of the classes I took from Kecia Deveney.